
Practical Strategies to Manage Anxiety in Today’s Fast-Paced World

Have you ever found yourself suddenly wanting to cry or struggling to catch your breath without any apparent reason? Have you experienced sleepless nights or palpitations even when you’re at rest? If you have, you’re not alone.

Anxiety, depression, and fear are common challenges many of us face in today’s fast-paced world. At some point in our lives, we all encounter these feelings when we’re dealing with anxiety, or depression. Sometimes, these emotions can be triggered by specific events, like workplace difficulties or worries about a loved one’s health. For others, anxiety can become a constant presence, disrupting daily life and becoming what is popularly called an anxiety disorder.

Overcoming Anxiety: A Personal Journey

I’ve personally faced anxiety multiple times in my life, and it’s lasted for days or even months, causing significant discomfort. It’s not just an abstract term to me. I’ve sought help from psychiatrists, taken medications. While these medicines provided temporary relief, they often left me feeling weakened due to their side effects. Overthinking has always been a part of my life, and my mind rarely finds peace. On the positive side, this propensity to think and analyze has helped me express myself through writing, but the negative impact on my personal well-being and social life has been undeniable. Medications offered only short-term relief, leading me to seek ways to tackle overthinking and regain control of my mind.

Before I delve into how I managed my anxiety and stress, let me share some valuable insights I gained from a psychotherapist I was fortunate to meet in my journey.

Understanding anxiety

Anxiety isn’t entirely a bad thing; it serves a purpose. For instance, think of a deer encountering a tiger. The deer’s anxiety kicks in, prompting it to run for its life. This anxiety is what triggers the deer to take action. If anxiety didn’t exist, the deer might not react and could easily become the tiger’s prey.

Anxiety has its merits, up to a point. Let’s say, on a scale of 1 to 10, a level of 5 provides the right amount of awareness. However, if your anxiety level goes beyond 5 on this scale, you’ll find yourself overly aware, overthinking, and becoming fearful of things that don’t warrant excessive attention.

Effective Strategies to Find Inner Peace and Manage Anxiety: Practical Steps for a Balanced Life

Over the years, I have discovered various techniques that have helped me manage my anxiety effectively. Here are some practical strategies to help you find inner peace and combat anxiety in your daily life:

Over the years, I have discovered various techniques that have helped me manage my anxiety effectively. Here are some practical strategies to help you find inner peace and combat anxiety in your daily life:

  1. Take Time to Relax: When anxiety strikes, give yourself some time to relax and regain composure. Sometimes, stepping back and breathing can make a significant difference.
  2. Practice Deep Breathing: Deep breaths can work wonders, especially when you’re feeling extremely nervous. Take slow, deep breaths to calm your mind and body.
  3. Mindful Acceptance: Instead of arguing with your thoughts, acknowledge them without judgment. Let them come and go naturally, without resistance.
  4. Self-Awareness and Positive Mindset: Cultivate self-awareness, which can help rewire your brain and foster a more positive mindset.
  5. Spiritual Guidance: If you’re inclined towards spirituality, consider reading a holy book daily. In my case, I find solace and moral support in texts like the Bhagavad Gita.
  6. Forgiveness: Learn to forgive others and, most importantly, forgive yourself. Forgiveness acts as a detox for your soul, freeing you from unnecessary burdens.
  7. Meditation and Physical Exercise: Embrace meditation to calm your mind and stay focused. Combine it with physical exercises and breathing exercises like Pranayama for a holistic approach.
  8. Stay Engaged: Keep yourself occupied with activities that bring you joy. Engage in hobbies, read books, or help others – distractions can often break the cycle of anxious thoughts.
  9. Acknowledge Your Success: Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Acknowledging your successes boosts your self-esteem and confidence.
  10. Disconnect and Connect: After working hours, disconnect from your work and spend quality time with your family and friends. Meaningful connections can provide emotional support and comfort.
  11. Practice Mindfulness: Stay present in every activity, whether it’s a walk outdoors or a daily task. Mindfulness can ground you in the moment and reduce anxiety.
  12. Challenge Fearful Assumptions: Don’t fear upcoming events based on assumptions. Remember that these fears are often unfounded, and challenging them can break their hold over you.
  13. Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a metaphorical hug regularly. Self-compassion can provide the comfort and reassurance you need.
  14. Take Action: Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and take action. Taking initiative can empower you to overcome challenges.
  15. Prioritize Happiness: Engage in activities that bring you happiness and fulfilment. A positive mental state contributes to your overall well-being and radiates positivity to those around you.
  16. Seek Professional Help: Above all, don’t hesitate to seek support from qualified therapists. Therapy can provide valuable tools and insights to help you manage anxiety effectively.

Remember, managing anxiety is a journey, and it’s different for everyone. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can take significant steps toward finding inner peace and living a more balanced, fulfilling life.

Leaving some thoughts at the end.

Look at the endless sky, and try to imagine, our miniscule presence in this vast universe. We are but tiny dots, so why burden ourselves with worries that are mere fractions of a dot in the grand scheme of things?

The current concerns weighing on your mind today, might lose significance after few months or some years, say 5-6 years down the road. Time has its way to heal and resolve everything. Isn’t it?

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Digital Marketing · Management · Marketing

Boosting Website Visibility: Latest SEO Techniques & Best Practices

Latest SEO Techniques & Best Practices

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in improving website visibility and organic rankings, driving organic traffic, and ultimately boosting conversions.

What happens if your business fails to manage Search engine optimization (SEO)?

Umm… Take the case of Nikhila. Say, she runs a handcrafted jewellery business and owns a beautiful website that showcases those unique pieces of jewellery. She has poured her heart and soul into creating exquisite pieces, but she soon realizes that her website is getting enough views.
Nikhila speaks to digital marketing experts and understands that her website is lost in the depths of the search engine abyss.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and why is it important?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the process of improving a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves optimizing various elements of a website to make it more search engine-friendly, thereby increasing its chances of appearing higher in organic (non-paid) search results.

  • Increased visibility: Most online experiences begin with a search engine. When your website ranks higher in search results, it becomes more visible to potential visitors. Improved visibility can lead to increased website traffic and brand exposure.
  • Targeted traffic: SEO helps attract relevant and targeted traffic to your website. By optimizing your website for specific keywords and phrases related to your products, services, or industry, you can reach users actively searching for information or solutions that you offer.
  • Credibility and trust: Users tend to trust search engines and often perceive websites appearing at the top of search results as more credible and trustworthy. A higher ranking in search results can enhance your brand’s reputation and credibility, leading to increased user trust and engagement.
  • Cost-effective marketing: SEO is a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to other online advertising methods. While it requires time and effort, the results of well-executed SEO can have long-term benefits, with the potential for consistent organic traffic and a higher return on investment (ROI).
  • User experience improvement: SEO involves optimizing various aspects of a website, including its structure, content, and loading speed. These optimizations not only improve search engine visibility but also enhance the overall user experience. A user-friendly website with easy navigation, fast loading times, and relevant content tends to attract and retain more visitors.
  • Competitive advantage: In today’s digital landscape, businesses of all sizes and industries compete for online visibility. Implementing effective SEO strategies can give you a competitive edge by helping your website stand out from the competition and gain higher visibility in search engine rankings.

What happens if you neglect SEO?

Neglecting SEO can have detrimental effects on a business’s online visibility, organic traffic, brand awareness, link building and competitive advantage.
By understanding and implementing effective SEO techniques, businesses can overcome these challenges, improve their website’s performance, and achieve long-term success in the digital realm.

What are the top SEO techniques in 2023?

While the fundamentals of SEO remain constant, the techniques and strategies to achieve success are continually evolving. In this blog post, we will explore the latest SEO techniques, best practices, and strategies that can help you stay ahead of the competition and enhance your website’s visibility in search engine results.

  1. User Experience (UX) and Core Web Vitals: Search engines, particularly Google, have placed increasing emphasis on user experience as a ranking factor. Core Web Vitals, a set of specific metrics that measure page loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability, are now critical for SEO success. Optimizing your website’s speed, reducing page load times, and ensuring smooth navigation contribute to better user experience and improved rankings.
  2. Mobile Optimization: Mobile devices have overtaken desktops as the primary means of accessing the internet. As a result, search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings. Implementing a responsive web design, optimizing page speed for mobile, and providing a seamless mobile browsing experience are crucial for SEO success.
  3. High-Quality and Engaging Content: Content continues to reign supreme in the SEO world. However, it’s no longer just about keyword density and quantity. Search engines have become smarter at understanding context and user intent. Creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience is vital. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally and focus on providing value to readers. Additionally, diversify your content strategy by incorporating videos, infographics, podcasts, and interactive elements.
  4. Voice Search Optimization: The rise of voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa has transformed the way people search for information online. Optimizing your website for voice search queries is becoming increasingly important. Understand the conversational tone of voice queries and optimize your content to provide concise, direct answers. Structured data markup, featured snippets, and FAQ sections can help enhance your website’s visibility in voice search results.
  5. Local SEO: For businesses targeting a local audience, local SEO is crucial. Optimizing your website and online presence for local searches can significantly improve your visibility in local search results. Claim and optimize your Google My Business profile, include location-specific keywords, and ensure consistency in your NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) information across all online platforms.
  6. E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness): Search engines are increasingly focused on ensuring that the content they recommend is reliable and trustworthy. Establishing expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) is essential. Showcase your credentials, expertise, and industry knowledge through author bios, testimonials, case studies, and backlinks from reputable sources. Invest in building a strong online reputation and actively engage with your audience.
  7. Technical SEO: Technical SEO forms the foundation of a well-optimized website. Ensure proper website structure, optimize meta tags, use descriptive URLs, and create an XML sitemap. Additionally, focus on mobile-friendliness, secure HTTPS protocol, and eliminate duplicate content and broken links. Regularly monitor and optimize your website’s performance and security.
  8. Backlinks and Link Building: Backlinks remain a critical ranking factor. However, the focus has shifted from quantity to quality. Earn high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites in your industry. Focus on building relationships, creating valuable content that others naturally want to link to, and leverage social media to amplify your content’s reach.

Top SEO tools

  • SEMrush for keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink analysis, site auditing
  • Ahrefs for backlink analysis, keyword research, and competitor analysis
  • Moz Pro for keyword research, rank tracking, site auditing, and link analysis
  • Google Search Console from Google for maintaining maintain your website’s presence in Google search results.

SEO continues to play a pivotal role in improving website visibility and organic rankings. By staying updated with the latest techniques, best practices, and strategies, you can position your website for success in search engine results. By adopting a comprehensive and holistic approach to SEO, you can enhance your website’s visibility, attract organic traffic, and achieve long-term online success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my website’s SEO?

  • Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-performing keywords.
  • Optimize on-page elements like titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content with keywords.
  • Create high-quality, engaging, and valuable content for your audience.
  • Build authoritative backlinks from reputable websites in your industry.
  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for fast loading speeds.
  • Monitor your website’s performance and make necessary adjustments based on analytics data.
  • Stay up to date with SEO trends and best practices.

How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?

SEO is a long-term strategy that requires consistent effort and patience. It can take several weeks or even months to see noticeable improvements in search engine rankings and organic traffic. The timeline can be influenced by multiple factors like the competitiveness of the keywords you are targeting, the quality of your website’s content and optimization, the strength of your backlink profile, and the overall authority of your domain. It’s essential to regularly monitor and analyze your website’s performance, make necessary adjustments, and stay committed to implementing SEO best practices. This ensures your long-term success.

What are the best practices for optimizing content for search engines?

  • Keyword stuffing: Avoid excessively using keywords in your content
  • Cloaking: Do not show different content to search engines and users. Keep your content consistent and transparent.
  • Duplicate content: Avoid duplicating content across multiple pages or websites
  • Link schemes: Stay away from participating in link schemes or buying links. Focus on building organic and high-quality backlinks.
  • Hidden text or links: Avoid hiding text or links within your website using techniques like white text on a white background.
  • Poor user experience: Ensure your website is user-friendly with clear navigation, fast loading times, and mobile optimization.
  • Ignoring analytics: Don’t overlook the importance of tracking and analyzing your website’s performance and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.
  • Ignoring search engine guidelines: Stay updated with search engine guidelines (e.g., Google Webmaster Guidelines) to ensure your practices align with their requirements.

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Kids Stories · Motivational · Mythological · Short Stories · Stories

Chetak, the Blue horse

By Kritadhi Chakraborty

“Ho! Rider of the blue horse!” a familiar voice made Maharana Pratap look back. He could see only one horseman amidst the yellow dust… his brother Shakti Singh. But the sound of hoofs against the flinty rocks superseded his emotions as his savior today, none other than his beloved stallion Chetak, blazed through the mountains of Haldighati. Chetak, like his master Rana, was heavily wounded. “Hey Devi Ma!” uttered Maharana when for a few seconds (as though) time came to a standstill… Chetak was about to take a breathtaking leap over a mountain stream. As if the strength of a 100 horses has been bestowed upon him. Nobility unimaginable, will power to rescue his master whom he had borne through the day. Chetak fell along with Rana. Within a few moments Rana was back on his feet to fight back – but was relieved to find that none of his pursuers dared cross the stream.

Pratap rushed to Chetak… quickly unbuckled the harness. “Chetak! Chetak!” Rana’s voice choked in admiration of his valiant stallion as he realized that it was time to part with his guardian angel. Chetak’s expressive eyes, despite the blood dripping over it, was beaming with success and joy.

Rana took Chetak’s long face on his lap and cuddled the peacock shaped neck… far from Rakt Talai (the battlefield), Rana could only hear the breeze over his shoulders… as he recollected the happenings of the day.

The Mughal Sultan Jalal Uddin Muhammad Akbar was on his way to take Udaipur, located at the heart of Mewar. The Mewari army consisting of 20,000 soldiers were up against 80,000 Mughal troops. Maharana Pratap was holding the flower (flag) of Mewar. The Mewari army fought gallantly beside their prince who led the banner into the hottest part of the field. Rana had disguised Chetak as an elephant by putting an armor in the shape of an elephant’s trunk. Chetak charged an elephant by raising one leg upon the elephant’s trunk, giving a chance to Pratap to throw his lance at the enemy. The mahout got killed instead. In the process, the elephant’s tusk tore through Chetak’s leg and crippled him. Rana was wounded too. The battle was slowing turning into the favor of the Mughals as they rallied near Rakt Talai. The Mewari forces, that were left, had to make a tactical fall back. A camouflage had to be created to give Maharana Pratap enough time retreat.

It is said that Chetak, with a mind of his own, only submitted to the Maharana; and that he was the one to choose the king, not the other way around. Critically injured Chetak refused to succumb to the pain and only on three legs helped his master flee from the battlefield, to live to fight back again.

Chetak passed away in the arms of his master Maharana Pratap.

We don’t know how much of this is real. History does not name the horse ridden by Maharana Pratap at the Battle of Haldighati on 18th June 1576, nor do they attribute any unusual feat or achievement to it. The story is recounted in court poems of Mewar from 17th century onwards. Whatever the reality may be, what is important here is that the story inspires millions of Indians over hundreds of years. This story about the nobility and valiance of an animal inspires me.

Kids Stories · Motivational · Short Stories · Stories


By Kritadhi Chakraborty

When Tisha’s dad came back home after his post dinner walk, he was a bit unusual that day.

He sat on the sofa with his eyes clothes and head resting on the cushion.

Tisha, an eight-year-old, lived with her parents on the fourteenth floor of a luxury apartment.

Every night, since they had shifted about a year ago, Tisha’s mom packs rice, curry and some extras from the day for the stray dogs.

In their society, stray dogs are not allowed to enter. Feeding stray dogs anywhere near the main gate is a big “No!” from the association as that seem to cause a lot of trouble to the residents.

Tisha’s dad carries the package to a nearby low lit street. There are at least some three to four regulars for the nightly meal.

“Today I was attacked by two bike-men you know?”. Tisha’s dad started saying after having two glasses of water. Tisha’s mom was shocked, “What?? Are you okay?”

“Yes! You won’t believe how I got saved today! I reached for my wallet and was about to give all the money I had to those men. All of a sudden those dogs started barking at the bike-men and many more dogs joined in no time. Couple of them climbed on the bike. Probably thinking that they may get into trouble due to the noise made by the dogs, the bike-men fled” Tisha’s dad took a pause.

“I can’t thank God enough for sending His messengers today to save me”. Tisha could see gratefulness and joy of being rewarded in the eyes of her dad that day.

She felt for the first time what they meant by saying, “Showing kindness to animals is an act of service to God”.

Motivational · Short Stories · Stories

Don’t ask why, deal with it

Yet another announcement. Now for the 3rd position. Amy looked up with hope. Awful, this time again the 10-year-old, had to clap for one more fellow competitor. Her face went pale. Her mother looked at her, gently touched her head. The 4th position was announced for a girl of some other school. Amy looked down once again. A soft voice stirred her up. “Clap Amy”. It was her father smiling at her. Amy clapped with disappointed at heart.

“The award for the 5th position goes to Amy.”

Amy’s parents were overjoyed at the announcement. A faint smile on Amy’s face.

The family returned home. It was late evening, they were tired.

Amy could not speak at dinner table. “What happened Amy?”

Gush of warm tears rolled down her cheeks. She could not reply to her mother, wept bitterly.

Her parents were silent, they could probably understand.

Amy spoke almost after 30 minutes.

“I will never participate in any competition again. I worked hard, prepared well, and delivered my best but I stood fifth. You both were wrong. I don’t think hard work is the pillar of success.” Amy burst out in tears and cried out loud in despair.

Absolute silence in the room for almost 5 minutes.

Her father, Rohan, an engineer by profession broke the silence. “Amy my dear, your performance was excellent today. You stood fifth among 200 interschool participants in the story telling competition. You are one of the top 5 participants. We are proud of you. Your hard work and perseverance were rewarded.”

Amy looked at her father, her face looked eager to hear more.

Rohan, continued, “Have you not seen your mother and me working till late hours? You need not top a competition to prove your efforts. Even after hours of hard work, all your efforts might turn futile. We must work hard to give our best to stay in the race.”

Amy’s mother, Sree was listening silently. She has seen uncertainties in her career despite all the hard work and diligence she has put through. Sree has always been strong to handle her emotions and learn through her experiences.

Sree was trying to join the dots.

“Amy dear”, Sree spoke tenderly. “Don’t be upset. There are situations in our life which are beyond our control. The kids who ranked the top four might or might not have done as much as hard work you did. Even the ones who were among the bottom few ranks might have tried harder than you did and might be more capable than the toppers. There are multiple factors that determine success.”

Amy looked at her mother with curiosity.

“Amy, provided you did not work so hard, you would not have presented so well. Even the position you secured would have been far from reach. The performance of other competitors, the experience and understanding of the judges, your delivery on the moment, your content and many more such aspects play deterministic role in a competition. You have successfully performed well.”

Sree paused for a while and looked at her daughter’ glowing face.

“Success is not determined by a rank or by immediate gains. You have successfully gained experiences and have learnt several new concepts. Hard work makes you active at mind and helps you learn better. You must look forward and prepare for upcoming challenges. Life is full of twists and turns, and you must gracefully adapt to every situation in life.”

Sree smiled.

“You should know how to tackle each moment life unfolds to you. Remember Amy don’t just ask why but try to deal with every situation.”

Amy smiled. She was listening carefully until this time. That day indeed changed her life.

Amy is now in her late thirties and works for an MNC. Life has shown her how to stay confident and how to accept the uncertain turns.

Today, when Amy received her promotion letter on email, she was overjoyed. I could see her eyes glittered. She is my roommate; you may also call her my soulmate.

I found her speaking to her parents on a phone call.

In the afternoon we were sitting in the balcony of our hostel room. When I congratulated her, Amy narrated the story of the 10-year-old Amy. She smiled and said, “I have faced wins and failures in multiple competitions, have experienced multiple instabilities in my education and profession, have confronted moments of separations, but have always tried not to just ask why, not to just give up, but deal with the unfavourable situations and to embrace the favourable ones.”

I was thrilled. “Your promotion is just one more experience and life wants you to deal with it.” Amy smiled.

Motivational · Mythological · Spiritual

Devi Bhairavi

Devi Bhairavi is the fifth great power of Das Mahavidya and is one of the supreme controllers of the eternal cosmic function of this universe.

Devi Bhairavi is a fierce and popular Goddess and is the Goddess of Decay. Bhairavi means ’Terrifying’. Mata Bhairavi is also known as Tripura Bhairavi and her consort is Bhairav the fierce form of Lord Siva. Devi Bhairavi is the supreme terror of the three worlds- Swarga, Martya, Patal. According to Parasurama’s ‘Kalpasutra’, the name Bhairavi is originated from the combination of three root words – ‘bha’,‘ra’ ,‘va’. In this ‘bha’ means preservation, ‘ra’ denotes Ramana means divine activities of creation, ‘va’ derived from Vamana means relaxation in certain activities.

Devi Bhairavi has many qualities like Goddess Kali. She is the Goddess of transformation, and the power connected to destruction of evil forces.

She is the goddess of destruction. Destruction here is not considered a negative force, but essential to maintain continuity in the great cycle of death and birth in the world. Mata Bhairavi is also popularly known as ‘Tripura Bhairavi’ where ‘tri ’means three, ‘pura’ means castles and cities. Hence Tripura Bhairavi indicates three levels of consciousness active-dream-sleep.

Mata Bhairavi in images and idols are found to be seated on a Lotus with four hands- with book in one hand, rosary bead in another, in another one Abhaya mudra and in the other hand displaying Varada mudra. She is wearing red clothes and a garland of severed heads on her neck. She has three eyes (Trinayan) and a crescent moon on her crown. In tantric form of the Devi, we find her sitting on Lord Siva, her one hand with a sword and a cup of blood in another one, her other two hands are with Abhaya and Varada mudras, respectively.

It is stated that Devi Tripura Bhairavi resides in Muladhar Chakra, and her mantra consists of three alphabets (letter) forming an inverted triangle in the centre of Muladhar chakra as ‘kamrupa’, representing the Universe. Devi Bhairavi is the creator of this Muladhar Chakra.

In Tantra, a female adept in Kundalini system is also known as Bhairavi, yogini. Sometimes she prefers to be with her Bhairav, the male partner, at the time of meditation and devotion, called yoga. In Tantra, Bhairavi has been defined as the divine queen closely associated with Devi Rajarajeswari or Tripura Sundari. Hope you loved reading. To share your thoughts, please email at

Kids Poems

A little angel

Hello my dear
Don’t you fear
To see me here
I am the peace bearer

Me a little angel
In the heaven I dwell
Me being spiritual
Have come to bless you all

It’s Christmas time
The bright stars shine
In the orchard in the vine
In the church the bells chime

I love to give good news
I guided the 3 wise Jews
To meet the son of God whose
Birth ended the blues

Me your angel every year
Come to earth to draw you near
Bless you with bright future
Take you forward with the light I bear

Merry Christmas

Motivational · Mythological · Spiritual · Stories

Devi Bhuvaneshwari

Devi Bhuvaneshwari Is the fourth Shakti form of the Das Mahavidya after Kali, Tara and Shodashi. She is also known as Adi Shakti Parvati or Parashakti.  Mahadev Tryambak is her consort. The name Bhuvaneshwari is originated of the two words Bhuvana (universe/world) and Ishwari (Goddess/Devi/ protector/Queen) that means Queen of the World or Queen of the Universe. She is the Mother of the Earth, the Atmosphere, and the Heavens.

Based on legend, all the three regions earth, atmosphere, and heavens, are created by Devi Bhuvaneshwari. After creation of world Maa Bhuvaneshwari made all the living creatures. She has given them eternal shape. To maintain and nourish her creations, she created Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra. There after she distributed her energy and supreme power, and as Saraswati joined Brahma, as Laxmi partnered Vishnu, and as Kali partnered Rudra, These three devas were entitled the task to create, to sustain and protect, and to destroy respectively.

Brahma with the help of Devi Saraswati has created all living beings. Vishnu with Laxmi is engaged to sustain a portion of the creation and Rudra with Kali is in a process to annihilate other portion of the creation to maintain balance in the universe. Thus, there is a continuous cycle of birth and death.

Devi Bhuvaneshwari and Mahadev Bhuvaneshwar in images and idols are found seated on Panchapretashana where Sadashiva, Ishwar, Vishnu, Rudra, and Brahma are shown as five legs and several yoginis are seen busy in serving them.

Goddess Bhuvaneshwari controls this universe. She is the Almighty. She considers all the living beings as her children and protects them always. She loves each of her creation and is a part of every creature. She fulfils the desire of every individual coming to her refuge.

Devi Bhuvaneshwari is red complexioned and three eyed (Trinayan). She has four hands, has braided hair, and found wearing red ornaments. As weapon she holds a goad and a noose in left hands, in right hands she is with Abhaya and Baroda. She is ornamented with crescent moon on her head.

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